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About Me

My name is Catie George. I graduated from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, in May 2023. My major was Corporate Communication and Public Affairs (Organizational Track), with a double minor in Law & Legal Reasoning and Journalism.  


Outside of school, I was involved in my campus newspaper, the Daily Campus, and my campus TV station, the SMU Daily Update. I was on leadership positions in Wesley House, a campus ministry, and Program Council, an event planning student group. I was a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America, or PRSSA. I also regularly volunteered and was an active member of SMU's Pre-Law Honors Program. 

I am originally from St. Louis, Missouri. I relocated to Dallas, Texas to attend college. I also lived in Washington, D.C. for one summer while I worked at an internship in the Senate. I love to travel and am excited to continue to discover new cities as I move around for my education and work. 


Outside of work, I am usually watching TV or movies, having a wine night with friends, or being creative in my personal writing. 


After I graduated from SMU, I began working immediately in Dallas as a communications professional and have been able to put my education and passion to work!

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